The Starting Line Podcast is one of the UK’s leading interview podcasts.

Careers, knowledge, relationships: we all have to start somewhere.

The podcast is all about drive, ambition and curiosity.

Entrepreneurs. Entertainers. Athletes. Philanthropists. Thinkers.

Guests talk about positivity, success, resilience, perseverance, mistakes and more.

In series one we spoke to 3 OBEs. 1 MBE. World champions, world record holders, Olympic medal winners, multi-millionaires. People giving back and supporting communities in unique and incredible ways.

Over 14 episodes, the show went from strength to strength - charting often, and ending in the top 0.1% of all podcasts by listenership.

Listen to series two and subscribe on Apple Podcasts

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We’re filming as well for series 2 - watch and subscribe on YouTube here

The Starting Line Podcast, episodes as featured on

Series 2 trailer

“If you get a job, just try to keep it, and Rich - please don’t end up in prison as well.”

Domestic violence, drug and alcohol addiction, suicide, welfare, prison, debt collectors, eviction. The police knew all of us by name. The bar to achieve really was as low as the life advice I was given above. For many, there is little hope and even less support.

I dropped out of school at 17. Months later, I moved out of our family council house, marking the end of a violent and turbulent childhood. At 18, I became a father myself.

I was determined to break the cycle children from my background so often struggle to.

By 30, I'd sold my first business - after… a few failures. I’d been named one of the top young social media communicators in the country, leading to a publishing deal and a #1 best-selling book.

I’ve made millions in public relations, building a successful agency and advising some of the UK’s leading companies, entrepreneurs and celebrities, building, shaping and protecting brands and reputations. We became one of the first companies in the country to work a 4-day work week for 5 days' pay, and I’ve since been named the #1 most influential PR professional on Twitter.

Using those skills, I've helped to raise over a million pounds for sick children and their families for life-changing and life-saving treatment.

Careers, knowledge, relationships: we all have to start somewhere.

The Starting Line, hosted by me, Rich Leigh, is all about drive, ambition and curiosity.

It’s about not letting your starting line define you and your potential, while keeping a smile on your face.

Join me and my guests as we talk about positivity, success, resilience, perseverance, mistakes and more.

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From award-winning serial entrepreneur, PR expert and investor Rich Leigh, The Starting Line podcast is the realisation of a decade-long ambition to learn more about the lives and interests of successful individuals, and why those people are who they are.

Connect with Rich on Twitter, on LinkedIn or by emailing

Meet the Host